Monday, July 21, 2008

Rebuilding pushes on...

Today marked the beginning of the 3rd week of our rebuilding phase.

Work continues in areas of our facilities with drywall being installed in the nursery, classrooms, bathrooms by the fellowship hall, and also starting in the kitchen. Sanding was finished in the whole new sanctuary wing and is waiting for paint. As my daughter stated to me recently, "Dad, our church is starting to heal!" Yes, it really is.

I also had meetings with the flooring contractor and his interior decorator this afternoon. Plans were laid for the flooring portion of the project. Carpet for the sanctuary, foyer and offices...vinyl composition tile for the bathrooms and walk-off squares for the entry ways were discussed. A good design scheme is in place and will look really sharp for the new CFA regional worship center! It will be a totally new look with new pews sporting a new color fabric, new carpet, new vinyl tile, new vinyl cove base and a new entry way material.

After that meeting I met with our general contractors and discussed many areas of the rebuild project. Areas of weaknesses were discussed, contract reviewed, situations resolved and steps for moving ahead in areas of our building were brought up. They are waiting for the architects drawings before moving ahead in the toddler wing and basement redesigns. Prints of our facilities are anticipated by the end of the week. Yes, things are looking up!

The HOPE Outreach Center was also open and serving people too! Our workers in the morning took time to rearrange our clothes closet ministry in the fellowship hall. A load of donations and some cleaning supplies were dropped off and put away too. We will be cutting back to three days this week...Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 to 4 pm. Our volunteers continue to demonstrate eagerness and excitement serving others in the name of the Lord!

Later in the afternoon I talked with a pastor from northern Indiana. He had heard of the flooding in Columbus, went to the internet and found our church (plus read my blog too!) and the devastation that we've experienced. He wants their upcoming Bible School to raise funds for our church and help us get back on our feet. When I checked my email before leaving the command center I learned that a pastor from Arkansas was also going to send a contribution to our flood fund. Lord, continue to spread the word around the state and also the country with the financial need that we have here @ CFA! Thanks for those who have responded and also for those who will soon!

There are times that I still wonder how God will accomplish the DEBT FREE rebuilding miracle, but I continue to rest on His promise and that God will work "beyond man's wildest imagination." With God all things are possible...that's awesome news!

If you are interested in helping our church get back into our own facilities by making a donation, please visit our website:

Word for today: "So don't get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time. " (Gal.6:9)

Still walking the March of HOPE. Will you march with me?

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