Thursday, July 17, 2008

Leisurely Thursday!

Started out the day with a minister's breakfast at City Hall. Every quarter we meet for food and fellowship. I invited Susan and Pastor Joel to join me as well. We had a great time with the others serving in ministry in our community. Others were concerned for our church and how things were going. I shared briefly the update on ministry and the building. Later they prayed for our church and lifted our need before the throne of grace. Lord, thanks for this great group of ministers that we have in our community!

Stopped by the church for several hours to check on things and keep things moving forward in our reconstruction phase. Had to make some calls, check with the supervisor, work with Allison, provide some motivation in many areas which might lag if there wasn't someone staying on top of things. At times you wish you could light a little fire under these hired workers to get them to move a little quicker on their assigned tasks...but you work with what you've got, right?

Went home about 1 pm and rested a little. My wife had to work today so she was gone when I returned home, but the boys were just getting up...oh, the love of summer days for teenagers! Continued to make some calls and emails from home pushing people in their tasks for our reconstruction projects. Later this evening (when it finally cooled down), Ashlyn and I went on our evening bike ride. Devon was at a friends house, the PB's (pizza boys) were at work, so it was just a father and daughter ride tonight. Had a great time together. We went to Pizza Hut to say hello to the boys and also Bethany, then rode on the bike trails all the way to the church. Checked on things and was awestruck at how much Trudy (one of our church volunteers) cleaned up things around the church. When I was there earlier she was sweating it out by sweeping up, straightening up, moving things around to look more presentable to our guests who come to HOPE Outreach, she was everywhere today! Thanks Lord for the many wonderful workers who come every day to serve and do what is necessary around your house...bless them indeed I pray!

Before we left we knocked on Monty and Susan's trailer door to say hello. They invited us in and we heard how their day went and the progress they made with the team from Maryland. Great strides were made on two homes that have been their focus this week. Lord, continue to send us willing workers for the reconstruction of the multitude of homes that will need to be rebuilt in our community!

If you would like to come to Columbus and bring a work team from your church, please give us a call and we will get you on the list. It seems like more and more churches are contacting us every week to get on the schedule. Remember, we have housing and showers and lunches provided. You can't get much better than that! Call our church office @ (812) 376-7833 for more information or possible dates. You will have an awesome time working with Monty & Susan...they know how to take care of your team and bless them with many surprises as well! The Kingdom of God is advancing in a huge way right here in Columbus following the Flood of '08.

Anticipating another great day tomorrow and a great weekend too!

If you would consider helping our church out with a contribution for our Flood Fund, we would be moved by your generosity. We don't have the money to rebuild DEBT FREE but God does! He is using people and churches all across the country and that just might include you too!
Go to and click on the online giving button. Thanks in advance for your lift of financial support. GOD, WE STILL BELIEVE IN MIRACLES...perform one on behalf of CFA!!

Have a wonderful night!

Love to all.

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