Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day Service!

Today we all started Father's Day out on what seemed like the left foot...

First of all, I was up till the wee hours of the morning getting primed and prayed up for service. Spiritual juices were flowing to share with the congregation of what God was doing in our midst. When I finally dozed off to sleep, I got up rather early...and couldn't go back to sleep. Then the clock seemingly froze at different spots on its cycle around the numbers. I kept trying to comprehend that we weren't going to church for about 5 or 6 more hours. The feeling of not being in church @ 8:40 am was surreal. It was odd...staying at home when we should have been in church...but then I was jolted to reality that this isn't "church as usual" anymore. We have had a rebirth. CFA is going under a metamorphosis...we are being transformed into a church with no set norms. Yes, we are grounded on the rock of God's Word but now we must DO CHURCH differently if we are to function, live and grow!

The time finally arrived for Ashlyn and me to leave the house. We drove to CFA to gather some needed items, which were normally in its proper staging area in what was once our worship center meeting place. Then we headed out to our temporary church location, which was just about 4 or 5 blocks away...on the other side of the creek which overflowed its banks. Driving into their parking lot for church felt strange...and good all at the same time. Cars of parishioners were already parked. Soon, CFA vehicles would be coming. Would the switch from one church to the next be a seamless one or traffic jam? All in all - a good hand off! This was historic for our fellowship. We've never been this way before...and there was this releasing and freeing feeling. In fact,I told my wife that I just didn't sense that a suit would be in order I grabbed my black pants and chose a "different" shirt, colorful, one that didn't need to be tucked in...with no shirt and tie. Not sure of what the people thought, but I wasn't going to be bound by tradition and legalism has changed, we morphed into God's butterfly of change! Thanks Lord for the spirit of life...not so sure how this is all going to pan out, but I'm feeling really good about the service today!

Also, the members of this fellowship had just received word that their pastor was resigning to accept God's call to a new city, new state and a new opportunity. Add to the mix that a Pentecostal church was coming to worship in their sanctuary and not understanding how long this arrangement would be extended...we all were off to a "different" kind of Father's Day...for them and for us! Thanks Lord for breaking down the walls that separate us and bringing each fellowship into a deeper understanding of learning that we are all ONE in Christ Jesus! Did I hear you say an "amen"?

I met with Roger and the worship team for prayer instead of the pastor's prayer partners group. Just another item that was needed for this special and holy day. Holy Spirit showed up...knew we were in for something spectacular. The people kept coming in the doors and filling up the two section sanctuary...which was quite smaller than what we had been used to for so long. Back home we were spread out and we were close, side by side and loving it....even if it did get a little warm in there. Again, a good change of pace. It required that people look for the pew they wanted to worship in (kinda of humorous to see which group of CFA'ers picked the left and right sections of pews). Lord, we desperately needed to be uprooted from habitual ruts that we've found ourselves in for so long...same time, same order of service, same pew, same motions and same responses! Lord continue to shake us up for your glory and honor! WE BELONG TO YOU!

The service had its I didn't say jerks...I mean, we had our difficulties with the sound system, space factor, split second power outage and one stop family worship setting...which means all ages worshipped together. Once again, not a bad thing...just all in sync with this "different" Father's Day. Worship was spite of the little don't have to have a perfect sound system setting, perfect balance between instruments, and perfect sound of singers for God to move. All you need are desperate, hungry and thirsty people!

There was dynamic fellowship, deliberate worship, powerful prayer huddles, passionate hugs, big smiles, seed gifts to those who lost much in the flood, urgent appeal for faithful Christian stewardship, an ignited messenger with a message that wasn't typed, wasn't normal but connected with God's people who listened intently to each word that I preached! God, you gave us your love and you gave us your Son. WE LOVE YOU FATHER GOD! Happy Father's Day. You are so good to us!

The service lasted longer than what I envisioned it to be...but then again, it didn't seem that our people were bothered by this. They were having CHURCH. They were gathered together as a fellowship. They were able to bring their tithes & offerings to present to the Lord in worship (by the way, another God-sized miracle in that the offering taken totaled some $21,500!! This isn't a normal offering...this is a Jehovah-Jireh miracle offering!).

We then held hands and prayed together. We were dismissed with jubilant songs of worship. Each left with the sense of God's immediate presence, plus the cemented koinonia between family members...we knew that we had touched heaven today...perhaps it was heaven touching the people that assembled at a Baptist church on 7th Street in the flooded town of Columbus, Indiana. Either way, we were good to go. We were good to face the challenges of the week. We knew God was with us...we knew He cared. That's all that really matters.

I closed with the words, "As for me and my church, we will serve the Lord. Lord, we will keep our eyes on you!"

Lord, what miracles do you have in store for us in week two of rebuilding, restoring, and rechanging the way that we do CHURCH in Columbus? I'm ready to learn...ready to go!


If you are anywhere near to our great city, please come and see for yourself what God is doing literally is beyond our wildest dreams and visions!

My love to you and yours.

Check out the blog of my new friends (they have some pics of our and out):


Anonymous said...

Pastor Don, I am loving getting to see and hear how PUMPED UP you are! :) You were always passionate and enthusiastic, positive and faith-filled, but I haven't ever seen you so excited as you are now!!
To me, that alone is worth what we're going through as a church. God is amazing and awesome, isn't He?!?!

Mary Beth said...

WOW DON AND TAM... Didn't know about this until I read the quote by you in the AG online news.

Steve and I will be praying for you. As difficult as it is... What an opportunity for ministry to reach your community.