Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Today there are a myriad of reflections that comes to my mind. Much has happened since my last blog posting. Here is what I've been reflecting on...
  • Yesterday we closed on the home that we sold! Praise the Lord! Can I get a witness? If you've ever juggled two home payments plus the utilities all at once then you know the feeling and freedom that my wife and I are feeling right now. Do you know who bought our home? A new pastor that is moving into Columbus. God was always in control of the situation, but I have to admit...there were times that God and I (maybe just me to God!) had our conversations. We are just very happy and thankful for what the Lord has done and we give Him all the praise.
  • Yesterday we also closed on the refinancing of our church mortgage loan! Again, I'm just amazed at the details that the Lord has worked out with this loan. The end result is that we will have a huge savings over the previous monthly payment. Plus, I have incorporated into the vision plan for 2008 this focus point: Vigorously diminish the debt! Once again, thank you Jesus for helping us to do that!
  • Next, I am amazed at the quick turn-around of the weather. Last blog it was basically a blizzard (we finally ended up with 10 inches of snow here in Columbus!) the weather will be approaching 50 degrees with most of the snow already melted or in the process of being obliterated from the landscaping scene. Literally amazing...
  • EASTER WEEKEND is fast approaching. People are stepping up with all the work that needs to be done for both weekend events: my Easter Sunday Illustrated Sermon, plus the Egg Hunt preparations for the Saturday before Easter. Shawn and Sonda have done an unbelievable job of getting prize sponsors for this rallying the troops here @ CFA. Pastor Joel and Brad have helped me tremendously in putting together the multi-media pieces to my illustrated message, "The Three Crosses." Plus, there are many other folks who are involved to make this Easter Sunday a powerful and eternity-driven day. This is something that is really stretching me in my preaching ministry, but I firmly believe that God will use this all for His glory and honor in a wonderful and powerful way.
  • Lastly, today marks the beginning of my 6th Year serving as pastor of Columbus First Assembly. Today was the day back in 2003 that we unloaded the trucks and vehicles of all our stuff into the church know what, that really seems like ages ago. But I reflect on God's faithfulness and goodness over these past five years. I am eager to continue the journey into 2008 where we have declared this to be the year to go "BEYOND ALL LIMITS!!" We as a church are really focused on 5 pivotal points in moving us from where we've been to where God wants us to be. Again, praise God for the vision plan that has united us and channeled our efforts as one body working together all for the glory of God!

Well, that's my musings for today. May the Lord direct your steps as you seek Him! He is not far from any one of us. Reach out to Him and you will find that He's been waiting on you.

Beyond All Limits,

Pastor Andreasen


Joe Jackson, Jr. said...

Greetings - Congrats on the closings! Fervent prayer does move mountains and houses! May God's blessings now chase you down in the street as He opens the windows of heaven on you, your family and your church family! Mal. 3:10

Shawn said...

Good morning Pastor. CFA was truely blessed the day that God led your family to us. Thank you so much for sharing and showing us God's vision for our church, church family and our community. I appreciate you and Tammy. I am amazed each day that Mom and speak about the Easter Egg Hunt. I have to admit, every year I do this, I always say it is my last. Always very discouraged, but somehow God just pulls everything today in such a magnificent way. It's amazing. This year, all I can say is PTL!!! 45 businesses from Taylorsville to North Vernon have stepped up to the plate and possibly still more to come. Over 8000 eggs. As I told Brian Blair on the phone Wednesday, I am believing that this event will get so big that we can no longer hold this event on the grounds. Won't that be wonderul. Much love, Shawn

Unknown said...

Congratulations Pastor and CFA!!! We love to read how awesome God is blessing Columbus and your ministry! We're proud to have been associated with you! Keep rockin' Columbus for Christ!