Tuesday, October 7, 2008

We got pews!

The shipment of our new pews arrived today!

We witnessed another busy day of rebuilding activity @ CFA. As we get nearer to the date of our Missions Banquet more and more tasks are being completed. The banquet will be the first event in our newly renovated fellowship hall! We can't wait till we celebrate that day with our dedicated missionaries and the great people of Columbus First Assembly!

The electricians were in today and continued working on specific projects around the facility. Listen to this: Our electrician had to rewire some outdated wiring and found that the possibility of a real fire hazard existed with exposed wires. In fact, the insulation on the wire had already been burned up. Thank you Lord for pointing the electrician in the direction of this faulty and dangerous wiring set-up!

The contractors were in today and installed a new wood door in the sanctuary, as well as a double door unit for our new storage closet in the fellowship hall. Plus the new plywood stage was completed with glue and nailing the top boards down.

We also received the clearances from both fire and city officials to occupy the next phase of our regional worship center. Very happy to gain occupancy of this large and spacious ministry area.

The new bookcases for my office were delivered and installed today. Thank you Jesus...I can now start unloading my 15 or so boxes of books and things that were cluttering up my new office!

Plus, the truck and trailer carrying our newly built church pews arrived today from Missouri. The guys unloaded the trailer piece by piece and are beginning to assemble each pew for installation and anchoring in the new couple of days. We WILL have new pews for the start of our World Missions Convention this Sunday! Thank you Jesus!

Yesterday the first of the carpet went down in the fellowship hall, but once again we've got more issues with the carpet company. Their pledge: they promise to be done by Friday! Don't forget all the problems we went through for the sanctuary wing...

Yesterday I received a large check from a dynamic church in Missouri. The Lord continues to use people, pastors and churches to send contributions for our Flood Fund. The need for our overall gifts once again totals $350,000. That's what we'll need to rebuild DEBT FREE. Listen, our hope is in Jehovah-Jireh...maker of heaven and earth...not the U.S. Congress! Little by little we are seeing the miracle unfold before our eyes.

We also received a sizable gift through our website online giving feature. If you would like to help us get back into the 2/3 of our unfinished facilities that lie damaged by the Flood of '08 you can go to our website @ www.columbusfirstassembly.org. Thanks for caring enough to send your gift quickly and carefully! May the Lord bless you abundantly in return!

Enjoyed a fun mid-week service tonight. Put our group into teams and gave them the CFA Missions Convention Quiz. We remembered lots of great highlights in years leading up to this one. Thank the Lord for growth in each successive year!

We have another busy day tomorrow and the rest of this week. Gotta get ready for the greatest week on our church calendar...the Annual Missions Convention!

Much love to all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Pastor Don! Last night at church was a lot of fun. Great idea!

Love you lots!