Monday, August 4, 2008

Quiet Monday

Gretchen, Susan, Susan
Pastor Turner and Timothy
in front of church providing housing for work teams!

Shower house for all our work teams!

The day started out with taking D to band camp and the other two kids went with me to the church. T and A enjoy helping out at the HOPE Outreach Center...really happy for their enthusiasm for ministry!

It wasn't long before one of our members arrived with a trunk load of food donations for our bare food pantry shelves. Last Friday we were down to the MRE packages...and that's about it! It was mentioned in church yesterday and God provides once again...through one of His willing vessels. Each carton, bag or box of non-perishable food items donated to the HOPE Outreach Center is deeply appreciated and put to use in ministry quickly touching lives.

The outreach was OPEN from 9 to 4 pm today and supplied many supplies for hurting citizens in our flooded community. God continues to provide for us as we give out to others in His name!

Three people from Northland, A Church Distributed in Longwood, Florida ( arrived to prepare for their soon-to-be missions trip here in Columbus, Indiana. They were eager to tour our church, review our situation, learn about housing arrangements, visit a few homes and schedule a date for their trip. They will join us for the Long Term Recovery team meeting in the morning and leave later in the afternoon. It was a joy to get acquainted with Gretchen, Susan and Timothy. They will indeed be a blessing to our community!

Would you believe it was totally quiet on the rebuilding front?
Not one single worker was working anywhere on our building. It was one of those quiet days. Subcontractors were working on other projects. Our architect continues to finalize his complete set of plans for our general contractor. Hope the plans are coming along nicely. We are so eager to get home to our regional worship center...

Made a bunch of phone calls throughout the day. Checking on rebuilding work. Organizing other projects associated with the rebuild. Talked to many pastors today and learned that several are in the process of making a contribution to our Flood Fund. Each gift, no matter what size, is so desperately needed to help us recover from the Flood of 2008! Made some last minute emails, then checked on several people in our church before heading home after 6 pm tonight.

Let me invite you to consider making a donation to our Flood Fund. I truly believe that God is preparing an awesome miracle of allowing us to rebuild DEBT FREE. Every day we get closer to that goal. You can go to our website and make an online donation: Thanks so much for your love and generosity!

Keep looking up...let God exceed your greatest expectations. He is still in the business of performing modern-day miracles. Let the muscles of your faith be exercised towards His divine promises.

Love to all.

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