Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pacesetting Church Leadership School

Mount Hope Church, Lansing, Michigan
The church with all the flags!!

MHC - A Church with a Huge Vision Plan!

Gilead Healing Center

Valley of Blessings

Global Prayer Center - MHC

Cafe Hope

Fireside Room

Kidz Connect Room

Countdown Clock...

Pacesetting Church Leadership School Worship

PCLS Sessions

Awesome Event & Media Center

With Pastor Dave & Mary Jo Williams

Some new friends @ Mount Hope Church

With my new friend, Len Hill

This past week I participated in some top-notch continuing education for Pastoral Church Leadership. I drove up to Lansing, Michigan and spent the week at Mount Hope Church with about 300 other students.

The school was called Pastor Dave Williams' Pacesetting Church Leadership School. Pastor Dave has led Mount Hope Church and International Outreach Ministries for the past 30 years. The church has grown under his ministry from 225 to over 4,000 members and attendees today. There are 40 daughter churches that have been established in Michigan, the Philippines, the Ivory Coast, and Zimbabwe. Including all branch churches, over 20,000 people are affiliated with Mount Hope Churches all over the world. Pastor Dave has authored over 80 books and is also the president and founder of Gilead Healing Center, which is a multi-million dollar medical ministry located there on the church campus.

Leaders need continuing education. This past week was a powerful time of education, inspiration, motivation, application and impartation. The school was an amazing, outstanding, practical, spiritual, enriching and fruitful time of ministry training. There were 32 individual sessions, along with several luncheons, night services & events and the culminating graduation ceremony. Each speaker and presenter was gifted, articulate and anointed. The times of worship were moments of heaven kissing earth...powerful scenes of intimacy with God!

Thank you Pastor Dave and Mount Hope Church for your incredible faith and life-changing visionary leadership! You have imparted into my life and ministry a deposit that is eternal. You have stretched my faith to believe for the impossible. You have encouraged me to finish this race with perseverance and excellence. You have "enlarged my tent" on all sides.

"Do you see what this means— all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we'd better get on with it. Strip down, start running— and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus , who both began and finished this race we're in." Hebrews 12:1-2 (Message)

Friend of the faith, keep running this race for Jesus and never, never quit!

Love to all!

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