All total, somewhere between 8 to 10 inches of snow and ice fell here in our community. Today was the second day of classes canceled for our public schools...with the third day already scheduled for tomorrow. Yup...the kids are loving this winter break!! We had to cancel our mid-week service last night because of weather. The roads are still pretty treacherous and slick...hopefully we can dig out of this avalanche sometime soon.
Work has slowed on the church rebuild...but workers still continue to press on. Concrete has now been poured in the men's bathroom across from the fellowship hall. This has taken up space that was previously used in the stairway to the basement. We now have an enlarged and fully ADA compliant bathroom. The pad that supports the new column in a basement classroom was also poured with concrete.
Electricians have continued working in all areas of the church. Plumbers have finished up work in all restrooms...five to be exact. Builders have put up most of the remaining walls that were needed in the bathrooms...after plumbers finished their projects.
Painters have been in and out. Work has commenced on the basement space. Lots and lots of ugly walls (exposed after power washers sprayed off the dirt and gunk from the flood) are awaiting several coats of needed colorful paint. Scrapping the old flaky paint from off the block walls was also needed before the painters could begin painting.
Contractors are working on several other projects too: one of which is to begin installing the exterior by the new stairwell and the other is a new entrance into the toddler wing.
We still are praying and asking God to help us dedicate this flood rebuild project totally DEBT FREE!! The date has been set for this historic dedication: Sunday, June 7th, 2009. We would be honored if you planned to join us for this momentous occasion.
If you would like to be a part of the DEBT FREE miracle, please visit our church website to make an online donation:
More and more of you are visiting and establishing your personal accounts. Send me a friend request and I'll add you to my friend's list. It has been growing daily since I signed up many months ago.
Keep praying for us. We covet your prayers daily!
Love to all.
P.S. Thanks for pushing me to 8th place on the Christian Blog Top 100 Sites! It's been a while since I've been in the Top 10! Keep checking PASTOR'S BLOG for new updates and new posts!